
Hey ya’ll!!!

Well!!!! Remember that gunpla I mentioned last time? I finisheded it! It was pretty easy for the most part, but I messed up here and there. CAM00015

(Standless Lilith kept falling over. Come on, standless Lilith, get it together!)CAM00016CAM00017Using stickers for the first time on them was strange. I didn’t use them all. I’m looking forward to the next one! I ended up putting the arm sockets in the wrong way and my friend had to help me. He’s the one who gave me the kit to build!

His Gundam blog!

His Twitter!

Support him, okay?

In other news, I’ve been doing some test programming in Ren’Py to make sure I can still understand it to some degree. So far, so good! I figured out how to do something I’ve never done b4! GOOD FOR MEEE haha

In the gaming front, I just finished the DS Fire Emblem. Man, was it loooong. And then, I squeezed in some P4G play. Man, I really love that game. Everytime I play, I’m reminded just how much I enjoy getting whisked away in its world and characters.

THANKS AGAIN, YUU! He’s the one who made it so I could play the games lol He kept telling me how great a game it was, while I was putting it down in light of P3 and P3P. BOY, AM I GLAD I GAVE IN CUZ P4 IS WAY BETTER THAN P3 TO ME NOW. hahahaa

Oh, in even more random news, I saw THIS at the store and felt a tad irritated because I was reminded of a certain BEAR I don’t like. Teddy is following me!



And of course, because it was so HILARIOUS, I have to share ( RENEGADE, I STILL BLAME YOU!). It was a sad moment in the game, even though Nanako turned out to be just fine, but a comment he made had me laughing for a good 5-8 minutes.

The part when Kanji punches the wall and screams “AAGGH!”, I praised his voice actor for giving such a believable yell. lol So, Renegade later states that his voice actor would have had to stomp on a lego to get that kind of sound, and I just… lol lol lol

This now concludes my silliness lol lol See ya’ll!!

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