A really brief update!

UGGGGH!! As some of you may know, I finally got through my first playthru of Undertale. Pacifist run ftw. I tried to start a new game on the same computer, but I didn’t want to take everyone’s happy ending away from them, so I used a different computer instead.

stay determined

Aaha… And this game over happened in the ruins….I pressed down instead of up and ran smack dab into a dancing…iforgethisname. haha

I’ve also been playing a lot of p4D and some P4G. I played a bit of a visual novel too, and that has taken up most of my week. I haven’t been on the PS3 in a about the same time, due to getting really bummed out about my reasons for playing fighters. I know, inwardly, I don’t have much of a fighter’s spirit….but playing fighters tends to relax me. …So does coloring/painting pics I’ve drawn. I don’t quite yet know what it is I want to gain out of playing fighters…but I’ll find it. So if you haven’t seen me online, I haven’t been feeling too fight-worthy. -_- But I’ll gain a reason.


..I almost put a Slayers pun there haha ( Y’know, the song “Give a Reason”)


What Slayers? YES, the Lina Inverse Slayers!! haha I’ve been into them since middle school, man… ANYWAY!!!

I may hop on later to practice in UNIEL or BB or something. …But I’ll tell you, with all these other games, commissions and official art, to require my attention, I’ve been neglecting spending time with Ludger, Julius and crew. I listen to “Song 4 U” everyday multiple times, though….like right now, for example haha. It just moves me. And hearing it to the opening in the game just makes my heart soften.

Ah, and then Sofia’s theme plays next. Which Sofia? 

Why, this Sofia, of course! Haven’t I told you? I’m, for whatever reason, a diehard Battle Arena Toshinden fan!! The franchise is terrible, but the characters and the music have left a lot of impressions upon me. My favorite character, and still to this day, is this little annoying, sneaky, green haired talent right here 

Ellis is my favorite. Always has been; and probably always will be. I’ve even drawn fanart of her lol It’s all been bad though. One of these days, I’ll draw her justice. And Eiji too. LOOK AT WHAT I STARTED FROM!!!

See? All bad. I’ve improved so much more since then. YOU CAN EVEN WATCH ME PLAY SOME OF TOSHINDEN 2 HERE!!!  There was a time I recorded 1-3, but my stream settings were wonky, and it didn’t come out right…SO I’LL HAVE TO DO IT AGAIN SOMETIME!

This game is so bad, but I love it. You can see it on my face haha


Gosh, I reminded myself of the VF5 fanart i did yearrs ago


Whoops, not that one!


This one. I miss VF sometimes, tho. I mained Jean…but I love Vanessa. I thought her and Jacky would make a cute couple, I don’t know why. Akira is my favorite character in the franchise tho…and random Yuusei in the sand is random haha…MAN!! this is SO DATED!!! I can do better, honest!!! haha

But since I’m already posting embarrassing art…


Ugggggggggggggggggghhhh I love Millenia, and I love Ryudo, but this pic just…ugh. I was SO HAPPY when I first made it, but looking at it now, I cringe. Now I draw more like: surprise no lo for lj.jpg

But, my style shall improve further.

This pic was a reward for a frequent commish customer. He likes Tifa/Cloud. I don’t at all haha, but I drew them within the same vicinity for him  anyway. (him holding an aerith doll was added for myself tho)

WELL THAT’S ALL FOR NOW! This was supposed to be quick!!! So much for that!!

Bye ya’ll! And thank you for your watches on stream, and continued support!