That I’m learning Ragna now in BBCPEX. ❤ I should’ve been playing him from the start, in all honesty. His playstyle feels sooo gooood. Sorry Valkenhayn.

I also didn’t let you guys know that I started playing League of Legends and just got Ashe as a permanent Champion via shards. So WHOOHOO!!!

Still diggin Force of Will and Pokemon TCGO!!! Kaguya!!!!!!!!!!! The Moonlit Savior, of course!


ZZZZZ Ok, got animating, writing and BB-ing to do. Seee yaaa


WHOOO!! Much gaming, ahoy!

And looking for pixelated cats. Lots of them.Tales of Xillia 2- Finding Woodrow.m4v_snapshot_00.26_[2015.12.08_21.04.19](doesn’t she kind of look like Dark Magician Girl with that hat on?!! haha)

zzzzz I’m so sleepy zzzzzz

Thoroughly exhausted, but blasting “Taste the Blood”(Dante version) in my ears is keeping me a bit awake. I’ve got some matches later tonight; I’ve gotta stay up!!!

Okay! It’s been a while, since I lasted updated. Ludger and his pajamas have had my attention for a week and a half now, at least.


I usually pair Ludger with Jude for, y know reasons lol, but I’m really liking Muzet!!!!


Ahem, like I said: reasons. Hahaha

Anyways!! In other game news—!!

I had SO much fun in WWE2k14. I spent so many hours playing it. It’s a shame the online service for it isn’t active anymore… The gameplay is super stiff, (Rumble Roses controlled much better) but there’s so much within this game; the customizations are addictive and fun!


I tried to make a Haruka Nanase lol [“The water genius”]

20151203011609.ts_snapshot_02.17_[2015.12.03_01.37.00]…A Rin Matsouka… [“The sexy whiny aquarius “]


…and a Dixie Clements lol [“The queen cougar”]( the ahem, ring name, is a nod to a joke from the original PS2 Rumble Roses when she goes against Aigle in story mode; no offense to the other women out there!)



[Haru, Rin and Dixie: “The Badgirls” of Team Pffffft” lol]

I wish I coulda played against my friend, of whom I refer to as “Yuusei”. He got me the game as a present. I guess all the focus is on 2k16.

I was challenged to a few matches in GG at night, and played UNIEL against my husband during the day. He taught me some things about fighting games that made my brain hurt, but I did learn!! Most people I fight online, though, don’t think much when they fight. They just press buttons…and I usually get hit! haha…


As you can see, I fought Jeyu a lot, online haha Both Ragna_Lionheart, and colonelr19 wanted to play GG, too. I wasn’t feeling at my best, though, but a challenge is a challenge! (I even played a little Valkenhayn. He is my 2nd main in BB, after all. I couldn’t get a good feel for him, at first, but I had felt very similar with Celica when I learned her. I’m far more comfortable playing as her, now. I’m getting closer to that feeling with Valkenhayn.

Admittedly, I’ve been playing/learning more of UNIEL than BB, these days. GG is right behind UNI, but BB has some great presentation….and it has Ragna haha

Oh yeah!!! In order to even better aid my beginning-fighting-gamer-brain, it was suggested that I play this card game, Yomi.


And then….the world suddenly grew unexpectedly quiet from this announcement hahaha jk

I consider myself more of a video gamer, than a card gamer, but if I like the game enough, or I feel “ok, game, i can accept playing you”, then I’ll play. Been playing video games since I was 7 years old, after all. The first competitive card game I ever got into, was Yu-Gi-Oh.

All kinds of other card/board games came after that…MTG, Pokemon, Android Netrunner, Mage Wars, Game of Thrones (both card and board games), Cardfight Vanguard (i always forget how to play tho) and now it’s Yomi.

I’d gone through a TON of fighting games growing up, but I can say that now, this year, I’ve finally taken them more seriously instead of just “picking up the controller”, so to speak.

What’s that? Didn’t I tell you that I was a nerd? hahaha But, it is a bit saddening to me when the peeps at the hobby shops overlook me because they don’t see me as such.

Oh, how they’ll never know the hours of games I play a day, the amount of video game music I listen to (my playlists are 99% VGM and I state that proudly! haha the remaining 1% are things like what I’m listening to now: the theme that plays for when Goku goes SSJ3 lol), nor will they know of the game related, and comic related stuff, that I work on day in and day out!! My modelling training never went anywhere, but that’s very off-topic!!!

I’m too exhausted to think straight! Maybe I hear Ludger calling me….or maybe it’s Julius…


Mmnn Julius~~~



The Road of Progress is a Looooong One

Hey, ya’ll!! that-meiko-girl, here!!

The last two nights, I had quite a few matches in BB.


I even played Valkenhayn!!(He is becoming my 2nd main, after all.) I still don’t have the right grasp on him, yet.20151113005708.mp4_snapshot_01.33_[2015.11.14_19.33.14]

I even played some GGXRD lol I didn’t expect that to happen, but I came across these players(Ragna_Lionheart and colonerl19) who wanted to play GG with me, so I agreed!20151114004140.mp4_snapshot_08.42_[2015.11.14_19.27.34]

The last day I touched this game, was monnnnnnnntttthhhs ago. I forgot all the buttons, my combos, everything lol I kept telling Ragna_Lionheart and colonelr19 that I didn’t remember how to play, but they wanted to play with me, anyhow. Haha I only got to play against Ragna Lionheart last night, but well, you can see how “well” I did….with Sol getting Eddie’s drill straight up his keister. lol

Oh, that reminds me lol, I remembered to get the Terumi fanservice kick for you guys!

t fanservice kick2

That naughty Terumi!!! Just who does he think he is?! He even had the nerve to blow a bout of buckling flatulence in poor Valky’s face!t fart

lol Just kidding hahahahahaa But, it does look that way, doesn’t it??

Today, I played the new VS system in the house, and realized just how bad at games and strategy I truly am haha. But even with that, I do improve each time I do something, and I love playing video games, anyway.

That’s it for now!! Peace!!


Last night, I played way more matches than I probably should have with both Celica and Valkenhayn. I felt as if I didn’t learn much of anything, so I needed to take a break to allow the salt levels to simmer.

Today, I did a lot of art, played the new VS cardgame, and dozed off at the end of a picture. I even forgot to sign my name at the bottom! But, aside from that, I got a few rounds of EatBeat Dead Spike-san in.

Screenshot_2015-11-08-23-04-03   Screenshot_2015-11-08-22-57-49 Screenshot_2015-11-08-23-01-10

But for reasons I do NOT currently understand, Jin’s Normal stage always stumps me lol I tend to get to the near end when THIS happens!:Screenshot_2015-11-08-22-54-23

I got so far, yet fell inbetwixt 2 floating suckers, before reaching one of the last phallic baguettes. What woeful shame! hahahaaa

(So Jin’s into long loaves of bread and candy he can suck on, huh?)

Anyway! I’m goin ta bed!