That I’m learning Ragna now in BBCPEX. ❤ I should’ve been playing him from the start, in all honesty. His playstyle feels sooo gooood. Sorry Valkenhayn.

I also didn’t let you guys know that I started playing League of Legends and just got Ashe as a permanent Champion via shards. So WHOOHOO!!!

Still diggin Force of Will and Pokemon TCGO!!! Kaguya!!!!!!!!!!! The Moonlit Savior, of course!


ZZZZZ Ok, got animating, writing and BB-ing to do. Seee yaaa





What’s uuup???


Ok! For the past 2 weeks, a lot has been going on. First, a little Ludger and Julius adventures ensued.


I wanted to show off some of my character affection levels towards Ludger and well….one of these things is not like the others!!! haha (but I really like Ludger and Muzet. I had been on a mission where I HAD to use Milla instead, and I wasn’t able to use her OR Jude at the time…only reason Milla has a second heart.)


I feel you Jude; that’s how I get when I’m forced to use Milla because the game demands it.




Then, even though I find this game to be extremely not fun, for some reason I jumped on Resident Evil Revelations 2. And I found a glitch! The enemy is actually part of the scenery in this screenshot, here.20160320020603

What bothers me about this game is that this game combines the really awesome and innovative mechanics of RE4 and 5, but somehow, it’s executed in such an unfulfilling manner, this game is just so boring for me. But, I’ll play anyone in co-op in it, if they want. Only reason I haven’t deleted it, yet.20160320020617

And theeen!! TADA! The highlight game of the stream, Metal Gear Solid 1!! But, I couldn’t get through it SIMPLY BECAUSE the game hung around Psycho Mantis’ death scene. Even if I skip the cinematics, I still get stuck on the “disk-icon-spinning-in-the-corner-and-then-stopping” problem. I looked for virtual mem card saves for the ps3 (I used the actual disk in the console, hence the issue) for the start of disk 2, but to no avail. So, I either buy it, somehow, digitally from the PSN, play through the game on the PS2 and see what happens, or buy a new set of MGS1. Which is not something I’d probably be able to do in the near future. But we shall see!20160326015237

And then went back to P4G to continue the NG+ with Handsome Sexy. Obligatory funny screenshot is obligatorily funny. Well, maybe. I sure chortled lol20160327001550

Lastly, FF8 was requested to be played. This game is certainly NOT one of my favorites, but I’m noticing parts about its system that I overlooked as a kid when I first played it. And I’m liking those systems. Don’t like Zell as much as I did in high school, though haha The Legend of Dragoon was requested, too. So next stream, I’ll prolly play FF8 and Dragoon!!

Does no one like FF9?!! lol FF9 over FF8? lol



Ah, I played some Dragoon too, but mainly just to do some additions for those who wanted to see them. Like Rose’s Hard Blade and Dart’s Madness Hero.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EPF13tPvhyY


Oh, there was Crash Bandicoot too requested lol https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0zQ_Le_yxKk


That’s it for now!


Well, I am haha

I’ve still got a cough, but I’m back with streaming! However, there is a problem.

Unless I get a computer like  THIS, I’m going to have difficulty streaming at a higher quality. But, I’m making do with what I’ve got still. So, if anyone is feeling generous to help a sistah out, please do so? hahaha

Speaking of streaming, I finally beat P4G!!! So yesterday, I streamed P4D, and then a plethora of old PS1, and one PS2, games followed.

Parasite Eve 1 (i hated 2 and i have no intention of playing the 3rd birthday)

Valkyrie Profile

Mortal Kombat Mythologies

Rumble Roses (i cant recall why i ever played it. it was originally gotten for a school project to show sex and violence in video games and ended up getting stuck with it when no one else wanted it)

I have no idea what I’ll stream tonight. Ludger might be calling me haha






Hey ya’ll!!!

Well!!!! Remember that gunpla I mentioned last time? I finisheded it! It was pretty easy for the most part, but I messed up here and there. CAM00015

(Standless Lilith kept falling over. Come on, standless Lilith, get it together!)CAM00016CAM00017Using stickers for the first time on them was strange. I didn’t use them all. I’m looking forward to the next one! I ended up putting the arm sockets in the wrong way and my friend had to help me. He’s the one who gave me the kit to build!

His Gundam blog!

His Twitter!

Support him, okay?

In other news, I’ve been doing some test programming in Ren’Py to make sure I can still understand it to some degree. So far, so good! I figured out how to do something I’ve never done b4! GOOD FOR MEEE haha

In the gaming front, I just finished the DS Fire Emblem. Man, was it loooong. And then, I squeezed in some P4G play. Man, I really love that game. Everytime I play, I’m reminded just how much I enjoy getting whisked away in its world and characters.

THANKS AGAIN, YUU! He’s the one who made it so I could play the games lol He kept telling me how great a game it was, while I was putting it down in light of P3 and P3P. BOY, AM I GLAD I GAVE IN CUZ P4 IS WAY BETTER THAN P3 TO ME NOW. hahahaa

Oh, in even more random news, I saw THIS at the store and felt a tad irritated because I was reminded of a certain BEAR I don’t like. Teddy is following me!



And of course, because it was so HILARIOUS, I have to share ( RENEGADE, I STILL BLAME YOU!). It was a sad moment in the game, even though Nanako turned out to be just fine, but a comment he made had me laughing for a good 5-8 minutes.

The part when Kanji punches the wall and screams “AAGGH!”, I praised his voice actor for giving such a believable yell. lol So, Renegade later states that his voice actor would have had to stomp on a lego to get that kind of sound, and I just…..lol lol lol lol

This now concludes my silliness lol lol See ya’ll!!

Some Artsy Stuff

Yo Yo!!!! That-Meiko-Girl herrrrrrrrrrrrrrre~~~

Getting weekend time to stream has become tuff, but that’s because I’m basing it around the schedules of others. A friend I live with started going to bed rather early during the weekdays, so as to not disturb him trying to get to sleep, I shifted my streaming times to Friday and Saturday night. It’s difficult, but it’s been working so far. The only room I can stream in is the room directly adjacent to his, so I must be respectful!


Let’s see, what else what else…



I’m sorry, Ludger…I only played your game once recently. I miss you, and Julius and hangin out with the others on your adventures!! Playing Pokemon online has taken up huge amounts of my time, these days haha


Oh oh, in other news, that same friend, of whom I don’t want to disturb when I stream, gave me an Endless Waltz Wing Zero SD Gundam kit! I’ve already started on it!! It’s so easy!! It’s to start me off to get to the Master Grades ❤


Sorry for the bad photo; the room was dark at the time, and I didn’t want to get up lol

He has a page where he puts together different grade models and Gunpla. So be sure to see it!!!!!


Oh right! The artsy part.

I finished this HUUUGE pic for another friend a few days ago.

books mijack naoji naruhina edit 3rd copy.png

6 different characters; 3 different couplings; 1 large canvas (full version here)


At the moment, I’m about to do some quick animation practice, and then maybe get in a little more Pokemon play.


Streaming Hours Have Changed!


Due to times when others goto sleep in this house, it seems like Friday, Saturday and possibly Sunday are the only times I’ll be able to stream with voice. Not using voice, I could probably stream whatever I play that way… which would most likely be Pokemon lol

I’ve been playing it everyday for a while now, sans the time last night when the server went down. I was so sad! ;_; But, yeah.

And if you don’t already know, this is my Twitch TV stream. So, see you there!!!


That’s it for now!!



A really brief update!

UGGGGH!! As some of you may know, I finally got through my first playthru of Undertale. Pacifist run ftw. I tried to start a new game on the same computer, but I didn’t want to take everyone’s happy ending away from them, so I used a different computer instead.

stay determined

Aaha… And this game over happened in the ruins….I pressed down instead of up and ran smack dab into a dancing…iforgethisname. haha

I’ve also been playing a lot of p4D and some P4G. I played a bit of a visual novel too, and that has taken up most of my week. I haven’t been on the PS3 in a about the same time, due to getting really bummed out about my reasons for playing fighters. I know, inwardly, I don’t have much of a fighter’s spirit….but playing fighters tends to relax me. …So does coloring/painting pics I’ve drawn. I don’t quite yet know what it is I want to gain out of playing fighters…but I’ll find it. So if you haven’t seen me online, I haven’t been feeling too fight-worthy. -_- But I’ll gain a reason.


..I almost put a Slayers pun there haha ( Y’know, the song “Give a Reason”)


What Slayers? YES, the Lina Inverse Slayers!! haha I’ve been into them since middle school, man… ANYWAY!!!

I may hop on later to practice in UNIEL or BB or something. …But I’ll tell you, with all these other games, commissions and official art, to require my attention, I’ve been neglecting spending time with Ludger, Julius and crew. I listen to “Song 4 U” everyday multiple times, though….like right now, for example haha. It just moves me. And hearing it to the opening in the game just makes my heart soften.

Ah, and then Sofia’s theme plays next. Which Sofia? 

Why, this Sofia, of course! Haven’t I told you? I’m, for whatever reason, a diehard Battle Arena Toshinden fan!! The franchise is terrible, but the characters and the music have left a lot of impressions upon me. My favorite character, and still to this day, is this little annoying, sneaky, green haired talent right here 

Ellis is my favorite. Always has been; and probably always will be. I’ve even drawn fanart of her lol It’s all been bad though. One of these days, I’ll draw her justice. And Eiji too. LOOK AT WHAT I STARTED FROM!!!

See? All bad. I’ve improved so much more since then. YOU CAN EVEN WATCH ME PLAY SOME OF TOSHINDEN 2 HERE!!!  There was a time I recorded 1-3, but my stream settings were wonky, and it didn’t come out right…SO I’LL HAVE TO DO IT AGAIN SOMETIME!

This game is so bad, but I love it. You can see it on my face haha


Gosh, I reminded myself of the VF5 fanart i did yearrs ago


Whoops, not that one!


This one. I miss VF sometimes, tho. I mained Jean…but I love Vanessa. I thought her and Jacky would make a cute couple, I don’t know why. Akira is my favorite character in the franchise tho…and random Yuusei in the sand is random haha…MAN!! this is SO DATED!!! I can do better, honest!!! haha

But since I’m already posting embarrassing art…


Ugggggggggggggggggghhhh I love Millenia, and I love Ryudo, but this pic just…ugh. I was SO HAPPY when I first made it, but looking at it now, I cringe. Now I draw more like: surprise no lo for lj.jpg

But, my style shall improve further.

This pic was a reward for a frequent commish customer. He likes Tifa/Cloud. I don’t at all haha, but I drew them within the same vicinity for him  anyway. (him holding an aerith doll was added for myself tho)

WELL THAT’S ALL FOR NOW! This was supposed to be quick!!! So much for that!!

Bye ya’ll! And thank you for your watches on stream, and continued support!

WHOOO!! Much gaming, ahoy!

And looking for pixelated cats. Lots of them.Tales of Xillia 2- Finding Woodrow.m4v_snapshot_00.26_[2015.12.08_21.04.19](doesn’t she kind of look like Dark Magician Girl with that hat on?!! haha)

zzzzz I’m so sleepy zzzzzz

Thoroughly exhausted, but blasting “Taste the Blood”(Dante version) in my ears is keeping me a bit awake. I’ve got some matches later tonight; I’ve gotta stay up!!!

Okay! It’s been a while, since I lasted updated. Ludger and his pajamas have had my attention for a week and a half now, at least.


I usually pair Ludger with Jude for, y know reasons lol, but I’m really liking Muzet!!!!


Ahem, like I said: reasons. Hahaha

Anyways!! In other game news—!!

I had SO much fun in WWE2k14. I spent so many hours playing it. It’s a shame the online service for it isn’t active anymore… The gameplay is super stiff, (Rumble Roses controlled much better) but there’s so much within this game; the customizations are addictive and fun!


I tried to make a Haruka Nanase lol [“The water genius”]

20151203011609.ts_snapshot_02.17_[2015.12.03_01.37.00]…A Rin Matsouka… [“The sexy whiny aquarius “]


…and a Dixie Clements lol [“The queen cougar”]( the ahem, ring name, is a nod to a joke from the original PS2 Rumble Roses when she goes against Aigle in story mode; no offense to the other women out there!)



[Haru, Rin and Dixie: “The Badgirls” of Team Pffffft” lol]

I wish I coulda played against my friend, of whom I refer to as “Yuusei”. He got me the game as a present. I guess all the focus is on 2k16.

I was challenged to a few matches in GG at night, and played UNIEL against my husband during the day. He taught me some things about fighting games that made my brain hurt, but I did learn!! Most people I fight online, though, don’t think much when they fight. They just press buttons…and I usually get hit! haha…


As you can see, I fought Jeyu a lot, online haha Both Ragna_Lionheart, and colonelr19 wanted to play GG, too. I wasn’t feeling at my best, though, but a challenge is a challenge! (I even played a little Valkenhayn. He is my 2nd main in BB, after all. I couldn’t get a good feel for him, at first, but I had felt very similar with Celica when I learned her. I’m far more comfortable playing as her, now. I’m getting closer to that feeling with Valkenhayn.

Admittedly, I’ve been playing/learning more of UNIEL than BB, these days. GG is right behind UNI, but BB has some great presentation….and it has Ragna haha

Oh yeah!!! In order to even better aid my beginning-fighting-gamer-brain, it was suggested that I play this card game, Yomi.


And then….the world suddenly grew unexpectedly quiet from this announcement hahaha jk

I consider myself more of a video gamer, than a card gamer, but if I like the game enough, or I feel “ok, game, i can accept playing you”, then I’ll play. Been playing video games since I was 7 years old, after all. The first competitive card game I ever got into, was Yu-Gi-Oh.

All kinds of other card/board games came after that…MTG, Pokemon, Android Netrunner, Mage Wars, Game of Thrones (both card and board games), Cardfight Vanguard (i always forget how to play tho) and now it’s Yomi.

I’d gone through a TON of fighting games growing up, but I can say that now, this year, I’ve finally taken them more seriously instead of just “picking up the controller”, so to speak.

What’s that? Didn’t I tell you that I was a nerd? hahaha But, it is a bit saddening to me when the peeps at the hobby shops overlook me because they don’t see me as such.

Oh, how they’ll never know the hours of games I play a day, the amount of video game music I listen to (my playlists are 99% VGM and I state that proudly! haha the remaining 1% are things like what I’m listening to now: the theme that plays for when Goku goes SSJ3 lol), nor will they know of the game related, and comic related stuff, that I work on day in and day out!! My modelling training never went anywhere, but that’s very off-topic!!!

I’m too exhausted to think straight! Maybe I hear Ludger calling me….or maybe it’s Julius…


Mmnn Julius~~~



Harpy’s Eat-A-Lot-of-Food-Day!

lol in other words, Happy Thanksgiving.


Whewwwwwwwwwwww there’s always so much to do. Between juggling animations and commissions, time for games have greatly been cut shorter! Yet, fear not!!

Recently, I’ve been learning more UNIEL (Under Night In-Birth Exe: Late)

other uni.Still001

Guess who I picked as my main lol This player, cametokillyouxd has an AMAZING Nanase. I could tell they were going extremely easy on me, and showed me what to do with her, of which I am extremely grateful for. I’m studying the matches they played in so I can do more with the character.

For some odd reason, I’ve decided to poke around through Tales of Xillia 2 a few years late, and man, I’m hooked! The game isn’t as good as say, Xenoblade Chronicles, but it’s still got its perks.20151123225626

There’s also been some Guilty Gear XRD, but I haven’t touched BBCPEX in a while.

And since I’ve gotten OBS up and running, I’ll be streaming again at some point. And probably with voice, too!

Oh! I almost forgot! I also got to play this!20151125001334

It’s great! Fatal Frame: Maiden of Black Water.

At first, I was bothered how the playable girls wear white, and then get absolutely drenched during gameplay. In one of the earlier chapters, there’s this girl, Yuri, and a friend of hers, Hisoka….but you see what Yuri is wearing, right? Her friend was in a skin tight mini dress.

I joked to one of my friends that “Nothing screams  ‘let’s go ghost hunting!’ like hot pants and a mini skirt!” Haha

I did a livestream test of the gameplay, and you can catch part of it here on YT, or the multiple bits and pieces on my Twitch account.

That’s all for now!! So, have some Ludger and Jude teamwork!!20151122225314