The Road of Progress is a Looooong One

Hey, ya’ll!! that-meiko-girl, here!!

The last two nights, I had quite a few matches in BB.


I even played Valkenhayn!!(He is becoming my 2nd main, after all.) I still don’t have the right grasp on him, yet.20151113005708.mp4_snapshot_01.33_[2015.11.14_19.33.14]

I even played some GGXRD lol I didn’t expect that to happen, but I came across these players(Ragna_Lionheart and colonerl19) who wanted to play GG with me, so I agreed!20151114004140.mp4_snapshot_08.42_[2015.11.14_19.27.34]

The last day I touched this game, was monnnnnnnntttthhhs ago. I forgot all the buttons, my combos, everything lol I kept telling Ragna_Lionheart and colonelr19 that I didn’t remember how to play, but they wanted to play with me, anyhow. Haha I only got to play against Ragna Lionheart last night, but well, you can see how “well” I did….with Sol getting Eddie’s drill straight up his keister. lol

Oh, that reminds me lol, I remembered to get the Terumi fanservice kick for you guys!

t fanservice kick2

That naughty Terumi!!! Just who does he think he is?! He even had the nerve to blow a bout of buckling flatulence in poor Valky’s face!t fart

lol Just kidding hahahahahaa But, it does look that way, doesn’t it??

Today, I played the new VS system in the house, and realized just how bad at games and strategy I truly am haha. But even with that, I do improve each time I do something, and I love playing video games, anyway.

That’s it for now!! Peace!!

A little downtime before practicing and some matches

Hey ya’ll!!!


After taking a pause from animating and doing promo art, I played a lil more EatBeat Deadspike-san. It’s fun, but not the greatest thing in the world. It’s a decent distraction if your computer’s hanging while in the middle of saving something humongous, however. >=3

Actually managed to clear Jin’s normal stage today!!! It took me about 3 tries.



In any case, I went through some stages I’d gotten A’s and B’s on and turned them into S’s.


Tsubaki’s hard mode gave me some trouble


But it went a lot better than Jin’s hard stage!!


Welp, that was fun. I had to stop because doing Jin’s stages make my hands hurt, no joke!!! >_< Leave it to Jin to be the hardest…guy…in any BB universe to contend with. His normals are CRAZY safe in BBCPEX… And his 623’s are extremely good. >___< Why, Jin, WHYYY!?? He’s even got a fanservice kick!!


(Terumi’s got one too, but I didn’t take a photo of that one, yet!)

What else; what else…ah, i’ll make a new post to mention the artwork I was doing the other day.



Last night, I played way more matches than I probably should have with both Celica and Valkenhayn. I felt as if I didn’t learn much of anything, so I needed to take a break to allow the salt levels to simmer.

Today, I did a lot of art, played the new VS cardgame, and dozed off at the end of a picture. I even forgot to sign my name at the bottom! But, aside from that, I got a few rounds of EatBeat Dead Spike-san in.

Screenshot_2015-11-08-23-04-03   Screenshot_2015-11-08-22-57-49 Screenshot_2015-11-08-23-01-10

But for reasons I do NOT currently understand, Jin’s Normal stage always stumps me lol I tend to get to the near end when THIS happens!:Screenshot_2015-11-08-22-54-23

I got so far, yet fell inbetwixt 2 floating suckers, before reaching one of the last phallic baguettes. What woeful shame! hahahaaa

(So Jin’s into long loaves of bread and candy he can suck on, huh?)

Anyway! I’m goin ta bed!

Still Learning Valky!

Hey ya’ll!

Learning Valkenhayn as a second main is going well. I need more matches with him, though. And with Celica, too!

I’ve been recording moves and situations into the training dummies to learn about more of Valky’s responses and tools(hence the reason for Jin’s fanservice kick here…aheheh) . From then, if it isn’t too late at night, I’ll go looking for online matches. So, I’, no training-mode-only warrior!

Still can’t get OBS to function with the LGP, nor its stream engine, so that means I may not be livestreaming to Twitch for a while(and i can’t stand X-Split. It’s too heavy for this computer to process clearly, anyhow). Anything livestreamed may need to be via Livestream!

Learning a Secondary!

It was suggested that I pick up Valkenhayn because he was a brain-dead and a top tier character, so I’ve started messing with him.

After 3 days, I’m starting to get an understanding of what to do with this guy. It was awkward at first, but he’s not so bad. There are a limited amount of things to do in wolf mode, so I don’t need to fret about what in the world to do with it.

I love this guy’s long C pokes. Not quite a fan of his 1 frame A counter tho…

Dah well. Celica’s still my main so far, but I haven’t been in any online matches due to learning this guy. I need a few more practice sessions with him, before I feel ready to get in a lobby or player match with him.

Filling you in

Yo! that-meiko-girl, here!!

As I’ve said before, I play games and do artsy stuff. I do way more, but since this blog mainly focuses on my gaming adventures, that’s what I’ll be informing you of in case you missed a video.

When I first started streaming games, it was some random titles I had, like Megaman X4, Megaman 8, Evil Zone, old ollld games like that. Upon receiving more games for Steam, I mostly streamed the Freddy’s franchises, Unreal, TF2 and Penumbra.

Then games like Mario Kart Wii-U, Smash Bros Wii-U and Blazblue and Persona 4 Golden were recorded.

To see some of these, you may check out my YT here for Let’s plays:

that-meiko-girl’s Let’s plays!

And for strictly online gaming/AKA BlazBlue matches, for the moment:

that-meiko-girl’s Online Matches!

If you want to play me in a Playstation fighter, you may friend me, or just ask to play. I’LL TAKE YOU ON!!!! haha


Feel free to ask whatever questions, you like in a PM, or comment below!!!

Howdy ya’ll!!!!!!!!!!!


For those who have not heard of me, my gaming handle is “that-meiko-girl” (for PSN and Steam; “that-meiko-girl” with underscores for Wii-U and Twitch). I play games, do animations and am the lead animator for the original series “The White Snake Chronicles”.

It’s been a while since I’ve last streamed due to many technical headaches!! I’d rather not use X-split again, and OBS never shows anything.

But I’ll figure something out!!